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Hanna is very convincing in her communication. NVC gives depth to her presentation and it is obvious that she has her heart, body and soul along in her communication. She is also very skillful in using technology in her presentations.

Hanna’s middle name is Empathy 😉 Even if tired or overwhelmed with other things, there is always empathy left for others.

Hanna has very good presentation material, good examples from real life and ability to flexibly adjust the subjects based on the needs and interests of the group.

Hanna was helping to solve conflicts in our living community. After defusing several ”multi-dimensional” situations, members of our community thanked Hanna for having allowed the situations to develop according to their own needs without aiming at any particular outcome, and also for having their needs heard.

Hanna made a presentation to a group mostly new to NVC. She had put together an excellent slide show. She was very well prepared to explain the concepts of NVC. I was impressed with her ability to use the NVC format and her empathy when answering to questions, sometimes even slightly hostile ones. She was able to demonstrate the idea of NVC very well through her interaction with the group.

When Hanna was helping me and my aunt to solve a conflict between the two of us, I was pleased and relieved to find how she addressed the feelings and needs of both of us. This helped to clear up our conflict. In that situation her presence empowered me to express my feelings and needs and to be myself. 

I have been very impressed by Hanna’s abilities plus her commitment to the NVC process. She seems to have really taken the process to heart and in my observations is very successful in her ability to both use and present NVC.

Hanna is very natural and honest in her communication and is not afraid of tackling also very difficult and painful feelings/situations either for herself or for other party.

Many times it has been extremely helpful for me to get clarity in my own affairs when discussing with Hanna. One time I was feeling extremely frustrated and angry at my ex-husband for what I found to be provocative behavior. Hanna was giving me guesses of what needs he might be trying to fulfill. I realized it might be his need for security – we visualized him as putting little traps on my path and every time I would meet one of his little traps, I would fall in the trap and explode. After that my long term anger was gone! And I am talking about years of anger! Another time Hanna was acting as a NVC interpreter between me and my ex-husband. That was one of the first times I was able to hear what he was expressing behind his words. My ex-husband and I left that situation hand in hand, after months of not talking to each other.

I was very impressed with how Hanna was able to stay in giraffe and not get ruffled or upset by questions. She was able to use the NVC model in a natural comfortable way.

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