Amal Mekouar
Amal Mekoua (Casablanca, Morocco)
Vice President in the CNVC board, CNVC Certified NVC Trainer
Since an early age, Amal has been very curious to meet people from different walks of life and different cultures, secretly searching for what is similar and what is specific about human beings. In 2002, she decided to take a year off to travel around the world. This experience profoundly transformed her.
Amal is a Certified Trainer in Nonviolent Communication and an assessor in training, currently living in Casablanca (Morocco) with her Lebanese husband and 2 daughters. She shares her understanding of NVC in three languages and in different countries and regions of the world (North Africa, West Africa, Lebanon in the Middle East, France). She has been a pioneer in teaching NVC and setting local NVC associations in Morocco and Ivory Coast where she lived for two years. Her interest in diversity and multi-culturalism led her to organize and/or facilitate several residential trainings to build bridges between cultures in Tunisia, Morocco, Senegal, and Ivory Coast from 2012 on.
Amal is passionate about promoting social change projects in Africa and has been involved in a large initiative with Cocoa farmers in West Africa. She supported team leaders engage in social change projects in Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Cameroun. She is currently engaged in Girafrica, a project aiming at training peace ambassadors and certifying trainers in Francophone Africa.
She was working in Finance when she met NVC in 2006, and shifted to focus her attention to sharing NVC in 2008 with different audiences: organizations, NGO staff (local and international), peace actors, lawyers & judges, doctors, youths, parents, as well as business leaders, coaches and other individuals looking to experience cooperation, improve management, communication and conflict resolution skills.
Amal earned a bachelor’s degree in engineering and an MBA from Columbia University – New York (USA), and worked in finance in international groups.