TINO is a young, black Great Dane, empathy dog, who walks the path of his predecessor and spiritual guide Nicke. Each empathy dog defines his/her own job description, and Tino is still learning and practicing. Trailblazer Nicke received, for example, this kind of feedback:
“To me Nicke offered the love, which I miss and need in my own life. Love that I want to shine. Nicke radiated all that beauty and love, that he had received in his life.”
Tino has taken on the task of creating connection with course participants. He needs closeness and warmth, which he also shares gently with a big heart. Tino’s presence brings connection to nature, peace, calmness, and relaxation to groups. He also wants to offer comfort to people who cry by going over to them and staying present.
Feedback to Tino:
“TINO ❤ I really needed something warm and soft next to me when I was feeling so lousy. Thank you!”
“I had a meaningful moment with Tino during one break. I was petting Tino’s fur and paws. I received comfort for my own grief from this and other short wordless connections with him. It was relieving to know that these connections were private between me and Tino.”
“Tino, you are a charming giant.”
“It miraculously calmed the mediation – having the gentle giant present with us.”
“A person whose hand pets a dog, cannot clench his fist in anger.” (In Finnish: “Käsi, joka silittää koiraa, ei mene nyrkkiin.“)