Ian Peatey
Ian Peatey (UK/Romania)
Certified NVC Trainer and Solution Focus Coach
Ian is originally from the UK and has spent most of his adult life living in Eastern Europe – in Poland and, since 2009, in Romania. He lives with Monica, his wife, also a Certified Trainer and his 12-year-old daughter (who is not yet showing signs of wanting to follow her parents’ footsteps).
Before NVC he worked for a major multinational in finance and then as a trainer and coach running projects with organizations from all over Europe, with a focus on Leadership and Management. After NVC, Ian has been trying to figure out how to bring NVC to Organisations in a meaningful, impactful and heart-centered way – with some modest success. NVC transformed all other aspects of his life. not only professional.
He became a Certified Trainer in 2008 and is currently exploring becoming an Assessor. This is in part coming from a strong desire to support the growth of NVC in his adopted home of Romania and other countries in the region. He has been a central figure in building a platform for the NVC community in Romania. In addition to bringing NVC to businesses he is running NVC programs for couples, in partnership with his wife and he is an experienced IIT trainer.
Some people say they appreciate Ian’s humor, calmness and clarity. Others are rather quiet on the topic.